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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Saturday 17 March 2018


At 4.00pm, I walked half an hour to get to Jordan's house only to find him not home from work. My phone had run out of battery on the walk, so I had no choice but to wait. I waited for half an hour outside very cold before he came home. I told him to go and get changed and I'd set up, only to realise I had forgotten to bring an SD card and so my camera would not work.

After warming up, I walked back home and Jordan left to go to football practise. He returned at 9.30pm and I had no choice but to head back up and carry out a photoshoot with my lighting equipment.

These photos are very hit and miss, but I'm reasonably happy with the turnout of some of them, and the quality I managed to get out of my little camera. The photos in general have come out quite dark as I was avoiding turning up the ISO on the camera and decreasing quality, but I figured I could just edit the photos I liked via Camera Raw and Photoshop. 

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