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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Saturday 24 March 2018

Development in Design

Okay so, my 'change of heart' was not as significant as I thought it would be, but here is my general idea so far. I've chosen to use the images involving the bottle as this has more meaning with it. The bottle covering the face warps the image, and in turn it says something along the line of a lost sense of identity. The bottle with the band name 'The Cure' also gives the message of alcohol being the cure to problems, which works very well with Robert Smith, but also links very well with the recurring drinking in my music video. 

The CD design is still under work, but I've just put in some bits to give a sense of the CD being present. I have also used a stock-image on the top right of a booklet to help give dimension to my design. 

As you can see, my front and back cover have come along nicely. I found the right fonts and have edited them accordingly. I've continued the use of pink to help bring this back to the 80s. 

One issue I've had is finding the right image for the 'DPS on the inside. In the image I've used in the above design, I wasn't quite happy with it and felt it was too obvious that I had just copy and pasted the same bottle from different images to stand above the sofa. So, in the image(s) below I have moved the bottle to lie on the floor, and I have deliberately made it look like I've stuck them on to give a slightly unprofessional/edgy/authentic feel. I then had the issue of deciding between colour, or sepia. I had a look at black and white but it made the image look too flat. 

I think I'm happy with this final design of the image here. I have brought the bottle up so they're more visible than they were before. I have also fitted the image in enough so you can vaguely see Jordan's face behind the bottle on the left hand side. I've also extended the row of bottles so it looks continuous.

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