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A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Sing Street (2016)

Sing Street, (2016). Directed by John Carney

Sing Street is a film that I has been on my mind every since I first watched it upon release. The film was released in 2016, but is set in Ireland in 1985. It's a simple narrative following a young boy who forms a band to win over a girl, but it's the transitions the band go through to find their style which I really love, and their home-made music videos. 

Image result for sing street dvd poster
In the extract (5:30) below it's near the start of the film in which the band are making their first music video to their first original song. This is the sort of 80s rundown, realistic look that I really like; filmed in a backstreet alleyway the boys also encounter a short conversation with the school bully who we see is being abused by his father. I just really love this down-to-earth story of a normal group of kids just enjoying themselves. This film is a very good depiction of the 80s. 

This set up at the beginning of the filming of the music video is just SO 80s. The costume, the awkward postures. I love it.

The starring female of the music video, the model, she's dressed up in Japanese attire which is very random but it shows the spread in culture that the 80s saw. Fashion became something bigger and bigger, influenced by all factors.

These two shots are great examples of typical 80s music video shots. Shots of walking and playing an instrument; shots of people running down alleyways and looking about for something (anything?).

A typical scene in a car with the band members on/around it. 

If you haven't seen this film, I highly recommend it. But to sum up this post, I just had to share my love for this film and it's relevance in my ideas for my video. I would love to have similar 80s stylistics in terms of cinematography but I'm aware my music video must be proving my knowledge for music videos and how they've adapted over time, so I would have to alter parts. 

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