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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Monday 26 March 2018

Developments: Booklet

Despite the nice comments from my parents, I have slightly adjusted my booklet. I have changed the ordering of the pages, and the fonts slightly on the page with the lyrics. My reason for this was because I didn't feel my parents were very convincing on the 'it's fine' - I have gone for a san-serif font for the lyrics, and used the same font as the artist for the title of the song.

Finally, I have changed the colour of the heading font 'The Cure' to a different colour used throughout my design work, and I have attached the graphic design of Jordan to the lyrics to add some 80s feel.

A Short Conversation: The Booklet

I asked my parents, one of which is a part-time freelance designer, for any feedback on my booklet design, as I was unsure of the font and layout on the lyrics page (X and XI) It was a very informal setting and unfortunately my pets were running rampage over us at the time of recording so excuse any random comments or noises.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Inserts Construction

So, for this insert as you open the digipak, I have decided to go for a professional approach and give some details for the audio/design. I think simple white text on a black background works nicely but I'll keep you updated! 

Above is where I'm at with the booklet insert. I've gone for a minimalist appearance much like the digipak - I think this has come across in a professional light which is what I'd hoped for, but I still need to work on it a little.

In terms of how far I'm taking the construction of the booklet, I feel it's not necessary to create the full booklet, but what I had imagined was a booklet around 16 pages in length which would have the lyrics and some exclusive photos of the artist.

The Key to a Professional Look

I have realised that the key to a professional looking marketing piece requires official information! This includes things such as copyright information, ownership rights, official website references, and so on. For most businesses this is fairly simple:
In the images above I have highlighted where the business info is, or where the production/marketing/distribution company logos have been stuck (always at the bottom of the poster).

However, my problem is I have no business to be marketing! I don't have a logo!! I am also not familiar with the legal terms used when it comes to copyright information, so I have no choice but to mirror official products'.

Above is the back of The Cure's album 'Disintegration'. Their copyright information goes as the following: 
©2010 Polydor LTD 
The copyright in this sound recording is owned by Fiction Records LTD and licensed exclusively to Polydor LTD. A Universal Music Company.
All rights of the owner of the works produced reserved.
Unauthorised copying, reproduction, hiring, lending, public performance, and broadcasting prohibited. Made in the EU.

The song 'Boys Don't Cry' was first released on an album released by Fiction Records so I don't think there's anything wrong with mentioning them in my copyright information like in the example above.

Saturday 24 March 2018

Development in Design

Okay so, my 'change of heart' was not as significant as I thought it would be, but here is my general idea so far. I've chosen to use the images involving the bottle as this has more meaning with it. The bottle covering the face warps the image, and in turn it says something along the line of a lost sense of identity. The bottle with the band name 'The Cure' also gives the message of alcohol being the cure to problems, which works very well with Robert Smith, but also links very well with the recurring drinking in my music video. 

The CD design is still under work, but I've just put in some bits to give a sense of the CD being present. I have also used a stock-image on the top right of a booklet to help give dimension to my design. 

As you can see, my front and back cover have come along nicely. I found the right fonts and have edited them accordingly. I've continued the use of pink to help bring this back to the 80s. 

One issue I've had is finding the right image for the 'DPS on the inside. In the image I've used in the above design, I wasn't quite happy with it and felt it was too obvious that I had just copy and pasted the same bottle from different images to stand above the sofa. So, in the image(s) below I have moved the bottle to lie on the floor, and I have deliberately made it look like I've stuck them on to give a slightly unprofessional/edgy/authentic feel. I then had the issue of deciding between colour, or sepia. I had a look at black and white but it made the image look too flat. 

I think I'm happy with this final design of the image here. I have brought the bottle up so they're more visible than they were before. I have also fitted the image in enough so you can vaguely see Jordan's face behind the bottle on the left hand side. I've also extended the row of bottles so it looks continuous.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Mockup Plan #3

First proper design for my digipak. I have just had a conversation with someone and received a suggestion resulting in a sudden change of heart with this design - hence it being half done. I'll get back to you with my next design.

Sunday 18 March 2018

InDesign and Digipak Layout

Here's a zoomed out image of my design layout.

Each panel is 125x140mm, and I have inserted the spines too which I decided are 125x7.5mm.

Saturday 17 March 2018


At 4.00pm, I walked half an hour to get to Jordan's house only to find him not home from work. My phone had run out of battery on the walk, so I had no choice but to wait. I waited for half an hour outside very cold before he came home. I told him to go and get changed and I'd set up, only to realise I had forgotten to bring an SD card and so my camera would not work.

After warming up, I walked back home and Jordan left to go to football practise. He returned at 9.30pm and I had no choice but to head back up and carry out a photoshoot with my lighting equipment.

These photos are very hit and miss, but I'm reasonably happy with the turnout of some of them, and the quality I managed to get out of my little camera. The photos in general have come out quite dark as I was avoiding turning up the ISO on the camera and decreasing quality, but I figured I could just edit the photos I liked via Camera Raw and Photoshop. 

Friday 16 March 2018

Edit of Previous Mock Up

I've added the same text I used in the music video. A lot of artists have their name in the same font/style for every album/advert/etc and so this could be part of my artist's symbolism - the recognisable name and look.

On further thought with this mock-up, I don't think it works. There's no relevance with this design and the music video I've made, and so I think it's unavoidable now that I plan a photoshoot to take place. I'll need to plan out some ideas before I take any photos, but this weekend would be the perfect time!

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Mock-Ups (Initial Ideas)

My initial idea was to have a pattern-heavy design with some references to the music video, like beer bottles or the recurring peace lily, but after using these stock images I realised it probably wouldn't work. Even if I took lots of photos of different materials and made up a collage it would look like a tacky unprofessional student design, which although would be true to me, that's something I want to avoid. 

This idea below uses a more simple idea that I think is a very 80s 
The background image is a photo I took as part of a series in photography, but I thought it could work nicely as a digipak design. I personally really like it but on reflection it doesn't reflect my music video at all, except for the illustration of Jordan.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Album Advertisements: Magazines

Another part of this coursework requires me to create an advertisement for my artist/album as an A4 page in a magazine. So, EXAMPLES:

Thursday 1 March 2018

Photoshop and Tracing

As I began brainstorming for my music video, the video to A-ha's Take On Me sprung to mind. The video uses a comic strip which is then animated to tell a narrative. This was and still is a very well-known song and music video making it a significant motion-picture of the 80s. This is a video that reminds me of the short Christmas film 'The Snowman', 1982, also a very well known video from the 80s. 

As a project, I decided to give the animation idea a go. Below is a picture of Jordan taken in a nightclub. This photo has good lighting with contrasting highlights and shadows so I thought it would be perfect to use as a template. 

Although it wasn't necessary, I have uploaded an image below showing the process I used on Adobe Photoshop. As you can see I created sections and filled them in black on places of darkness on Jordan's face. I didn't want to make the design too complex in a way you wouldn't a logo, so I kept it tidy. 

Once I was happy enough with the outline, I carved the eyes out and the final image was then made!

And here we have it, an action man in the makings! 

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