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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Saturday 11 November 2017

Recce (Locations)

Join me on my wonderful journey through my presentation...

Continuing on from the presentation, I haven't spoken about the pub scenario on my blog.
A couple days ago, I got stalking the owners of the pub through Companies House, and so I set out writing a letter, and a form for the owner(s) to sign. See below:
The White Horse by kxrsty on Scribd

Release Form by kxrsty on Scribd
When I arrived at the pub, I handed in the first form as the owner wasn't in, and I came back the next day. When I came back, the owner was there and I had a brief word with her about it and she agreed to let me do it. I handed her a form to sign and she said she'd sign it later for me (which I still haven't collected because she was a little scary - so I'll just get that on Sunday when I'm filming there). I didn't have high hopes she'd let me film in there, but she says it's fine, except I must tell any of her customers if they're in the shot, or at least ask their permission if I want to film them.

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