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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Monday 13 November 2017

The Filming Schedule

There have been some problems with the dates of filming planned - for example on the 21st when we had initially planned to shoot the band, they're now practicing on the 22nd, but I'll have no transport for that evening, so we've had to reschedule to the 29th. However, this does allow me to primarily focus on the upcoming weekend instead, and not worry about the band till next week.

This schedule is complete for the 18th-20th though, but I expect updates to be made, particularly for the 29th and any other days in case we don't finish.

Edit: 15/11/17: I've been told that on Saturday we have to have finished filming by 1pm now, so time to make changes again. On a plus, in terms of locations, my friend's mum is letting me film in their garden on Sunday 26th.

Edit: 21/11/17: First three days done, but we are now unable to shoot at friend's house next week due to difficulty in timing and planning. We can do it at a later date however, so it's not crossed off. Also, Jack and his band are now filming on Tuesday 28th.

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