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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Review: Filming the Band

So, I have now filmed the band (on the 28th), and I made myself look through the footage yesterday, and I need to do it again.

Lack of planning and stress ruined this potential shoot, but there's still a few bits of footage I can use.

Prior to filming, all my research included was watching a few music videos. Then my planning was as little as date planning, casting, costume, and a general schedule. That was flaw number one! I was also over stressed on the day which led to lack of common sense and logical thinking. A few mistakes were also made. But also, I needed more time to set up - the area of filming was very messy! I had no room to move.

I've uploaded a new post showing some research into the process for next time when I do the re-filming.

The image below pretty much sums up my lack of variety in film shots!

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Updates: 3 Shoots

18th-20th - I have now filmed 3 shoots, covering about 11/19 scenes.

I was originally supposed to be filming the band today (21st), but they changed their practice day this week to 22nd, and I unfortunately I'm unable to attend this week, so it's changed to next Wednesday the 29th. I'm pretty thankful for this because the past 3 days have been incredibly stressful and I'm in desperate need of a day off.

Below are three images, one for each shoot just showing the general feel of my music video.

Shoot 1: I feel very confident about this shoot, the lighting was really nice and natural as it was during the morning. I still had my lighting equipment up for the indoor shots to even the lighting, but it was barely needed.

Shoot 2: I found this the most stressful one to film because I was trying to organise a group of 7 people (only 4 in the filming). I'm unhappy with the lighting in these shots and it's too dark, so I am considering re-filming. 

Shoot 3: This one was fun to do, bringing all my props to the house and trying filming with the dolly. The lighting was much better in these too - I can confirm filming during the day is much easier than at night. 
For the indoor shots I found it difficult to make anything look natural - the set up looking very 'set up', and the lighting was quite difficult to even out through the shots. 

I still haven't looked through these properly because I'm too scared! But, as Scorsese says, "if you don't get physically ill seeing your first rough cut, something's wrong."

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Risk Assessment

Monday 13 November 2017

The Filming Schedule

There have been some problems with the dates of filming planned - for example on the 21st when we had initially planned to shoot the band, they're now practicing on the 22nd, but I'll have no transport for that evening, so we've had to reschedule to the 29th. However, this does allow me to primarily focus on the upcoming weekend instead, and not worry about the band till next week.

This schedule is complete for the 18th-20th though, but I expect updates to be made, particularly for the 29th and any other days in case we don't finish.

Edit: 15/11/17: I've been told that on Saturday we have to have finished filming by 1pm now, so time to make changes again. On a plus, in terms of locations, my friend's mum is letting me film in their garden on Sunday 26th.

Edit: 21/11/17: First three days done, but we are now unable to shoot at friend's house next week due to difficulty in timing and planning. We can do it at a later date however, so it's not crossed off. Also, Jack and his band are now filming on Tuesday 28th.

Saturday 11 November 2017

Recce (Locations)

Join me on my wonderful journey through my presentation...

Continuing on from the presentation, I haven't spoken about the pub scenario on my blog.
A couple days ago, I got stalking the owners of the pub through Companies House, and so I set out writing a letter, and a form for the owner(s) to sign. See below:
The White Horse by kxrsty on Scribd

Release Form by kxrsty on Scribd
When I arrived at the pub, I handed in the first form as the owner wasn't in, and I came back the next day. When I came back, the owner was there and I had a brief word with her about it and she agreed to let me do it. I handed her a form to sign and she said she'd sign it later for me (which I still haven't collected because she was a little scary - so I'll just get that on Sunday when I'm filming there). I didn't have high hopes she'd let me film in there, but she says it's fine, except I must tell any of her customers if they're in the shot, or at least ask their permission if I want to film them.

Thursday 9 November 2017

Casting and Participant Release Form

Template of my Participant Release Form - all of those featured in my video will be required to sign one of these for me. I won't be posting the signed forms on here, but I'll be keeping them and scanning them in to my documents for safe keeping in case they're required in the future.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Music Video Written Treatment

This written treatment has been emailed to my potential casting, and the band I have managed to persuade to let me film. This written treatment is slightly different at points to the practical production sheet posted previously but it's normal to have ideas still developing.

I have used some of my own images in this treatment, however these images won't necessarily be the end product locations, they are just images I used for a previous project which I feel complies well. 

Thursday 2 November 2017

Practical Production Treatment

It is done. I have it all written down and planned out and I feel sick with stress and nerves. But, to help log my own thoughts and plans I have also created a practical production pictures with images from the internet (I have no rights).

Wednesday 1 November 2017

The Cure's Licensing Rights

The Cure's album 'Three Imaginary Boys' was released with Fiction Records in 1979. Fiction Records was founded in 1978 and is well known for owning The Cure for over 20 years, but Fiction Records is now owned by Universal Music Publishing as of the year 2000. The Cure then signed with Geffen Records in 2003, after leaving Fiction in 2001.

I couldn't find an email for the company, so I had no choice but to ring! Below is a recording of the phone call.
(Please ignore the photo, it's very old and I don't really use soundcloud)
I have received an email from Ellie who I spoke to on the phone:
 and my form is all filled out. 

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