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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Saturday 30 December 2017

Video So Far...(December)

Last week I uploaded what I've done so far of my music video on to Youtube, but I forgot to embed it on my blog - woops!

Below is the video. There are black-screen spaces where my next (and hopefully last) shoot will be replacing - but it will all be band footage so you can sort of imagine what it'll look like. The video still has some way to go, especially colour correction but it's on its way!

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Monday 18 December 2017

Shoot 5 (18/12/17)

Hello! Here I've uploaded a few screenshots of the files from shoot no.5. My reasons for doing this is so that I can show you what I've done in general as I obviously can't show you each video. 
This shoot went fine, despite my friend thinking I was just filming her looking through the window, so I suppose I made an error in communication there, but it all worked out. Her acting skills are mediocre and she agrees in that description, but I have got all the shots I was hoping to get. 

In my previous post, ('An Issue - Revisiting the Music Video Structure') I listed out my shotlist for this shoot, and that included some additional shots that I should get with the time. My reasons for these additional shots was to add more narrative/backstory/context to the video which I felt it was lacking. I'm hoping by adding these in we can see more of the relationship between these two people, when before, Georgie, the girlfriend, was not seen in the video at all. In the image directly below, the first 10 images are showing these additional shots.

Sunday 17 December 2017

Casting: Georgie

An official post showing who I've casted as the female role in my music video, and why.

An Issue - Revisiting the Music Video Structure

I've encountered a problem, which I take full blame for. Last night me and my friends went out, however this lead to sleeping in this morning and ruining the filming plans. Rather than scrapping the weekend, instead I'm going to create a Plan B. This Plan B will be shot tomorrow morning with Georgie. Unfortunately, Jordan is at work tomorrow so I can't film him, but I figured it may be possible to change the structure slightly.

And so, I'm going to think up something now for tomorrow, and in turn potentially change the running of events in my music video. What I'm filming tomorrow is going to be a change in POV.

Friday 15 December 2017

Construction Summary

Construction Summary So Far...

The construction so far is going smoothly. From previous work I'm aware of the basics of constructing a series of videos together. 

Below we can see my introduction according to my planning is complete! The first four shots to the first four beats are matched up (but still need a little extra refining for timing). Following on from this is band footage which will be filmed as accordance to schedule seen in previous post. 

A tiny part of the successful pub footage is this extreme close up of a dart hitting a dart board. This is in the first verse and is so far OK.

I think my use here of camera angles and editing has come out nicely. The framing works well with Jordan's movement. Only issue is is that Jordan's lack of knowing the words is fairly visible at the start of this verse so I could either leave it, re film it, or replace it with something.

For the outro, as I had intended, I have sped up a video clip to help show the passing of time and people leaving. I think the framing of this has come out nicely, along with the lighting - although it is a little cold so I might adjust that so it's warmer toned.

Monday 11 December 2017

Final Scene to Film: Shot List

This is the final scene I need to do, and if you look at my previous post I will also be filming the band again just a couple days after this. 
Below is the shot list, all planned out and includes crucial information for my directing. 

Filming Schedule, Take 2

Filming schedule for last shots, and re-filming section.

Monday 4 December 2017

The Band: Shot List with Storyboard

A new, refined and more precise shot list. Please feel free to use the zoom settings below, or press full-screen for an in depth view as I'm aware the text is very small!

Here I've embedded a storyboard I've (badly) drawn out to show you an illustration of my shot list.

Sunday 3 December 2017

Filming a Band

After last week's trail of filming the band, I have decided to do some proper research into filming a band. I have realised what I need to do to higher my chance of a successful shoot, including research, shot list and any further planning possible. What would be really helped is having another person to help with the filming!! 

Anyway, I've made an attempt of a video essay which you can watch below. I've never made one before and I don't know if it'll be taken down for featuring other people's work (music videos/music/film extracts), but we'll see. 

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