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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Monday 18 December 2017

Shoot 5 (18/12/17)

Hello! Here I've uploaded a few screenshots of the files from shoot no.5. My reasons for doing this is so that I can show you what I've done in general as I obviously can't show you each video. 
This shoot went fine, despite my friend thinking I was just filming her looking through the window, so I suppose I made an error in communication there, but it all worked out. Her acting skills are mediocre and she agrees in that description, but I have got all the shots I was hoping to get. 

In my previous post, ('An Issue - Revisiting the Music Video Structure') I listed out my shotlist for this shoot, and that included some additional shots that I should get with the time. My reasons for these additional shots was to add more narrative/backstory/context to the video which I felt it was lacking. I'm hoping by adding these in we can see more of the relationship between these two people, when before, Georgie, the girlfriend, was not seen in the video at all. In the image directly below, the first 10 images are showing these additional shots.

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