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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Reflection on Previous Practical Work

In the past I've created videos out of pure enjoyment, and I feel like this is a good time to revise over them.

In the summer, I took my camera on holiday with me in hope to create a cliche vlog of the holiday with the song 'Everybody's Talkin'' which I had initially wanted to do for my music video this year. When I realised I wasn't going to use the song, I didn't want the song to go wasted and decided to try to capture an emotional memory-jerking video of severe sunburn, heat stroke, bad food, dirty beaches, and expensive cocktails happy times that would bring tears to the eyes of viewers of such a beautiful holiday.

Another video was one I took a few days ago in hope to prove my amazing camera work to myself. I had no real plot in mind, just having my companion doing something cool on the beach, but it turned out he couldn't cartwheel, handstand, or really do anything.

In terms of my two videos featured here, they don't work. And they don't work because of the weak narrative.

In my research, I've found that videos, films, books, art work - they all have narrative. A series of pretty shots doesn't make a good video. We watch consume things hoping to read some form of story to interpret and explore.

I think it's a real shame my video in Majorca didn't work out because it was a very good opportunity, but this shows how important planning a video is (just like any form of art). Improv in terms of the whole narrative doesn't work out. I think my 'A Jump on the Beach' is better though, but it helps I had been revising over cinematography. There are different angles, but all the shots are a bit too long and are mainly of pretty scenery. But these two videos do show my 'style', and there are a lot of traits here I need to make sure I challenge if I want a successful music video.

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