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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Tuesday 27 February 2018

4th Music Video Edit and Class Review

So this is my fourth edit, almost identical to the third edit except for some subtle tint changes on the band shots to give a slight sepia look. I had initially titled this video as 'Final Edit' and posted it on my Facebook page which is why the sudden spike in views, but then we had the class viewing of the edits so far.

As I took to the front of the class, I quickly gave context that the video is meant to be set in the 80s, and I wasn't entirely sure if the narrative was as easy to follow as it is in my head. As I pressed play, the overplayed music began blaring in to the room and was projected on the wall. I sat with my eyes awkwardly avoiding the class, and instead looked between the floor and the computer screen in front of me.

As the video ended, the silence in the room felt like it lasted forever and so I politely cleared my throat and asked for any feedback. Eventually someone was brave enough to speak, which sparked a couple other small voices to break out. The feedback I was given is summarised as followed:

- It's 'good'
- The narrative is easy to follow
- The clothes aren't 80s enough, and so that takes away most of the potential 80s feel
- There's one point with Jordan obviously not lip-syncing/knowing the words
- The typography font is off at the beginning of the video

And so, I quickly renamed the video to 'Fourth Edit' and swiftly removed it off Facebook out of embarrassment. The comments were very constructive remarks and so I know I must address what I can, while avoiding reshooting anything.

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