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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Initial Music Video Ideas

After listing some of my favourite songs out on a piece of paper, I then began to slowly cross out each song while listening to the lyrics and trying to picture a suitable narrative to it. Some songs I found were too long (e.g. Stairway to Heaven/From Eden), others I could only visualise a simple and unambitious narrative (Go Quietly/iT), others I felt didn't feel were worth the task for. Eventually I came down to two songs: 'Boys Don't Cry' by The Cure, and 'Bel Air' by Lana Del Rey.

In the above insert, I have written out in brief my initial thoughts of a narrative to each song, though I found it hard to word my images. I drew out some basic ideas for shots in the video but with my lack of drawing skill it really doesn't mean much from an outsider's viewpoint anyway. Nonetheless, I thought I would just put up my first thoughts before I begin weighing out the two and choosing one.

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