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A2 Media Advanced Portfolio: The Brief

A new year, a new set of tasks. Brief A promotional package for the release of an album, to include the following: ·          ...

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Digipak Intro and Analyses

Peer Review Feedback

Peer Review Feedback

Comment on the use of camera - are shots in focus, white balanced, framed?
Frames are shot well and are clearly presented. Your use of camera shots and movement are nicely edited together, with fluent transitions onto each scene.
Shots are framed well, they’re all in focus and the movement of the camera is good
The shots are all well framed, the movement of the camera is really good, how it shows the band playing you can get into the vibe of the song, they are all in focus.
All the shots are in focus, Brilliant use of camera and effective camera movement. The shots are framed really well and white balance brings out the colour nicely.

Please comment on types of shots, variety of shot types, angles and movement
My favourite part was the match-on-action take of the dart board. But overall you have use a various of shots throughout the music video, that are well thought out and edited together. Can’t critique anything; it was overall very professional.
There is a wide variety of shots, both types and angles, they’re all edited together well, looks good.
You’ve used a wide variety of shots and angles, they all work together really well and there is a smooth transition.
Good variety of shots. You’ve got a mix of high and low angles and long shots and close ups which makes it look really professional.  

Have close attentions been paid to MES? Does this affect the genre of music/artist?
Watching your video, I would associate the style and narrative of the video with being in the rock genre. Indie rock or soft rock. The setting of the brick background or garage is very fitting for the genre of rock.
Shooting in the garage for the performance clips works well with the song and the overall genre of the song.
Yes I would say it has, you can clearly see through mes what genre of music it is.
Yeh, it looks banging. You can’t go wrong with live performance shots and it works well with the lyrics and the narrative side of it. MES is really detailed and accurate and gives it an Indie vibe.

Does this video - through the MES and editing - look as though it's set in the 80s?
I didn’t get the feeling of the 80’s, but the attire and use of garage and pub appeals to the older form of rock music
Kinda, like the shots with the girl in look kinda 80s, like with the grainier shots and the mise en scene of the shots but in the others it looks like more modern.
I think It does, through the use of the plants and in the kitchen scene, it looks very 80’s especially the grainy shots outside.
Absolutely. Denim jackets and bottled larger is very 80’s. The slight graininess on some of the shots helps give the video that feel as well.

Does the video tell a readable narrative?
I loved watching it all the way through. The story was clear and matched effectively with the lyrics.
Yeah you can follow the narrative and understand what is going on.
Yes you can clearly follow the narrative.
Yeah. You can follow the narrative easily. 

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Second Edit

So what I've done now is used the footage I already have to make up the blank spaces you saw in my first edit. The band I had used are unfortunately very busy with gigs and general life and I feel I may be unable to have another chance filming with them.
In this edit I've tried to colour correct all the scenes so that they don't look detached, but instead give a continuous flow. I've also added an ending.

My next steps are to get reviews from peers so I can get an idea of what else I need to do. Sometimes having someone else's input is the best way!

Wednesday 10 January 2018


To do list:

- Re-shoot the band shoot as soon as they're able - push them into it being asap
- Further edit my footage for a more 80s appearance. Look at my research from 80s.
- The post called 'storyboard' should either be deleted or added to
- I need to create a casting thing for Georgie
- 'Perhaps include more theorists in evaluation'

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